Here's some statistics about this website...
Most of the data on this part of the website have been on here since 9th May 2002, which is 4196 days ago.
There are 3036 pictures, which have been viewed a total of 2855313 times in total, or 680 viewings per day.
The most popular picture, rearpartial, was viewed 19041 times (that's an average of 4 times a day), and the least popular 0 times.
Pictures have had a total of 1429 comments added to them, and each picture has had between 0 and 27 comments.
There are 68 stories, which have been read a total of 502924 times in total, or 119 readings per day.
The most popular story, The Gimp, was read 22516 times (that's an average of 5 times a day), and the least popular 386 times.
Stories have had a total of 693 comments added to them, and each story has had between 0 and 77 comments.
The stories all together total 1209K. The largest story is 84K, and the smallest 1K.
There are 150 links, which have been followed a total of 351790 times in total, or 83 followings per day.
The most popular link, TopLad's site, was followed 9284 times (that's an average of 2 times a day), and the least popular 20 times.
Data collected at: Wed Nov 6 21:04:16 2013